Deacons & Elders

Deacons work in ministry with other church members to show God’s love in the world. Sunday duties include coffee fellowship, communion preparation, ushering and delivering flowers. Ruling Elders are called, elected by the congregation and ordained to serve as leaders on the Session. They are responsible for overseeing all aspects of congregational life and ministry. The pastor of the congregation serves as the Moderator of the Session.

Board of Deacons

Jen Knapp, Moderator

Kim Christianson, Anne Coulling, Barb Guyer, Joyce Hakes, 

Colman Hanlon (Youth), Bob Krick, Andrew Luke, Olivia Luke, Anthony Madison, Diane Melrose, Marc Raygoza, Kristen Shaw, Anne Trower, Mark VanderKinter, Sue Westby, Beth Wilkinson

Ruling Elders

Clerk of Session: Stephen Hudson-Mairet

Adult Enrichment: Barbara Racioppo

Building & Grounds: Steve Trower & Mike Harvey

Christian Education: Mary Pluta

Fellowship: Sharon Polakowski

Finance: Brian Hakes & Vince Racioppo

Membership: vacant

Memorial: Jennifer Good

Mission: Kristen Crump

Nominating: Kevin Sjostrom

Personnel: Don Weinberg

Stewardship: Denise Fried

Worship: Heidi Hudson-Mairet

Scott Bentley, Treasurer