We are delighted to be supporting our Mission Partners again this year with our annual Alternative Christmas Market! Join us in Fellowship Hall from 9:00am - 12:00pm on Sunday, November 19th. Giving ends on Monday, December 4th. If you are unable to attend in person, you can "shop" here online. Click on each organization's page below to learn more. When you are ready to give, just click on the button below.
If you prefer to send a check, print a copy of the Giving Form and indicate the amounts for each organization. Write ONE check for the TOTAL AMOUNT OF YOUR DONATIONS payable to Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church, with "Alternative Christmas Market" in the memo. Enclose your Giving Form with your check so your gifts can be properly distributed. Mail your form and check to:
Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church, 2366 N 80th Street, Wauwatosa WI 53213
WPC Youth are once again selling Christmas Cards at the market this year! Cards are $2 each or $5 for three. You may indicate the number of cards desired on your giving form and include the cost in the total amount of your check. Cards will be available to take home at the market on November 19th. Cards ordered after the in-person market will be mailed by December 14th (contact the church office if you prefer to pick them up).